News — E-Commerce

How to Get Complex Ideas Adopted by Mass Society

Cryptocurrency Digital Services E-Commerce Growth Social Media Technology

How to Get Complex Ideas Adopted by Mass Society

An informal case study on how CryptoKitties has effectively used marketing for wide-scale adopting & use-case of blockchain.

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Why Teaching Basic Computer Science is a Crucial Business Skill

Digital Services E-Commerce Growth Programming Technology

Why Teaching Basic Computer Science is a Crucial Business Skill

As many businesses move to or rely on digital to survive, more people are becoming in tech or tech-related careers without fully realizing it, and many are entering without any real previous technical knowledge.

<plus your team thrives>

Understanding technology & computers are empowering. Not just knowing how to use a specific program, but a deeper understanding of machines that enables the user to establish a level of comfort, and more importantly — a want to learn and explore more.

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Should We Privatize USPS?

3PL E-Commerce Shipping Service USPS

Should We Privatize USPS?

“Privatizing USPS” could be a novel of its own, but here’s the spoiler alert: we already have two privatized shipping systems, and neither of them are practical for use for the average American sending packages or mail.

Why not? Because UPS & FedEx are privatized, they are optimizing for profitability. They have the luxury of capitalism dictating their decisions. One of those decisions for our privatized shipping options was to cut accessibility to every single address — it’s too expensive for everyone to receive mail.

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