News — Technology

How to Get Complex Ideas Adopted by Mass Society

Cryptocurrency Digital Services E-Commerce Growth Social Media Technology

How to Get Complex Ideas Adopted by Mass Society

An informal case study on how CryptoKitties has effectively used marketing for wide-scale adopting & use-case of blockchain.

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Why Teaching Basic Computer Science is a Crucial Business Skill

Digital Services E-Commerce Growth Programming Technology

Why Teaching Basic Computer Science is a Crucial Business Skill

As many businesses move to or rely on digital to survive, more people are becoming in tech or tech-related careers without fully realizing it, and many are entering without any real previous technical knowledge.

<plus your team thrives>

Understanding technology & computers are empowering. Not just knowing how to use a specific program, but a deeper understanding of machines that enables the user to establish a level of comfort, and more importantly — a want to learn and explore more.

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